1401 River Road East, Unit 6
Kitchener, ON N2A 3X9

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges – Proper care and maintenance

  • Crowns and bridges cover the majority of the tooth surface, but it’s the area you cannot see that offers the greatest potential for problems. The margin is where the crown meets your natural tooth, usually at or below the gum line. Even in the best of crowns, this junction usually leaves a small ridge where plaque and bacteria may collect and adhere to natural tooth surface.
  • If a small amount of decay is allowed to develop along the margin of your crown or bridge, it may progress further into the tooth if left unchecked, as our normal radiographs cannot see through a crown.
  • Bridges provide additional challenges, as it’s important to remove any plaque that may build up under the replacement teeth to prevent decay, inflammation, and bad tastes from developing. It is extremely important to allow the hygienist to perform proper scaling under and around the bridge on a regular basis.
  • Avoid chewing ice, hard foods, or other hard objects like pens. Tooth grinding or bruxism can also cause damage. Since most of the grinding is done while you are asleep, a night guard is often recommended. Make sure you pay special attention to the gum line when you brush and floss. Your hygienist will also give special attention to the gum line areas of the crowned teeth. Interdental brushes and stimulators also help to remove plaque from the crown area where the gum meets the tooth.
  • Crowns and bridges can be very natural- looking and long-lasting restorative treatments. With regular visits to the hygienists and extra time with your home care regime, you can enjoy the benefits of your crowns for many years. 

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